Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Monday, September 17, 2012

39 Weeks!! (and Belly pics from 36th and 38th Week)

Today I am 39 weeks 1 day pregnant...WOW...that means, I have 4 more days until my due date on 9/22.
I honestly cannot believe how time flew by just like that and suddenly I am on a countdown until the big day.
I hope that baby Caleb (yes, we finally got him a name!!) will not show up before my due date because I would like to be on leave until December :)

Last Friday I had my cervix checked- I am still not dilated yet but my cervix is thinning 50%.
Baby's approximate weight is about 7 lbs, more or less.
He moves a lot and especially at night, keeping me awake with his little kicks..ouch..

Anyway, here is my belly pics from last week and from 2 weeks ago.

38th Week- Day 1- Left

From 36th Week:

Friday, August 24, 2012

35 Weeks!

Today marks 35 weeks and 4 days for my growing belly..
Wow.. I cannot believe I only have about 4 more weeks to go..yikes..
I am really hoping I won't go early.. *fingers crossed*

Everything hurts now, especially when I trying to get up after sitting down for a long time..boyyy, I feel like a grandma already.
Baby boy still kicking me a lot and since he doesn't have much space anymore, I can feel my tummy being twisted..yikes.. but I still love it because I know he is okay :)

Here are my belly pictures:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baby Ma 3D Ultrasound Pic (33Wk3Days)

does he look like me? X)
Yesterday was our rescan ultrasound because we failed the first attempt~ baby was hiding and could not see his face at all. This time, he was still sleeping when the pics were taken but at least he let us see him :)
He did not move much, I only got to see him stretching, yawning and kicking his legs...I wished he would move more so mommy can see it but I guess he was so content inside my belly that he didn't even budge when my belly was poked by the ultrasound technician :)
Love you, baby Ma :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

33 Weeks 1 Day Belly Pictures

So yesterday I noticed that a bit of stretch marks started to crawl on my tummy... *sob*
I was so hoping to dodge this considering I have been sick all the way through now, just to compensate me of being a trooper, y'know?
but they are...crawling on my skin itsy bitsy...
I bought Palmer's cocoa butter and started to lather it on my skin religiously while chanting a prayer to the skin lord (God) to grant me my wishes...
Some people say, this is genetic, nothing can help..inevitable, bla bla bla bla..but nothing is impossible for God, right? LOL
I guess, we shall see..

Has my belly grown bigger since 31-week pics?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Failed Attempt of 3D Ultrasound

Last Wed, 8/1, we went to 3D Ultrasound place, called Prenatal Peek in hope of having a chance to see our baby for the first time after 3 months of not seeing him. (We did not have any more ultrasounds after 20 weeks :( at our OBGYN).
I was very excited actually (and nervous!) to see him. I wanted to also double confirm that our baby is indeed a boy, haha.
So, we got there at 3 pm, the girl did the ultrasound but told us that baby Ma was hiding..facing his face to my back....She tried juggling my belly, poked it, had me turn to the left and right, and we even walked outside for few minutes and drank cold water, he still would not budge...
He must be so comfortable in my belly..sleeping like a baby for sure..
After spending 45 minutes there with no luck, we finally reschedule to next week, 8/8..
I am so hoping that he will show his face and move around so I can see what he looks like!!
The girl said that Baby Ma has lots of hairs though (saw streaks of hairs from the ultrasound pics) so maybe that's why I am still feeling sick until today?

Anyway, today I had my baby shower in the office with the girls. It was fun and I got bunch of cute clothes, baby gadgets and gift cards. :)

I am 32 weeks though and going on 33 weeks in 2 days....getting closer to the big day.. ay yi yi yi..
I will keep him until 9/22 and not going to let him out before then, hehehe

I forgot to take my belly picture this week so I will do that as soon as I remember (PS: I am getting more forgetful these not fun)

Have a good weekend!! :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Week 31 Day 4 Belly Pic (from July 26th)

my belly is getting bigger and heavier...boy oh boy..

but thank goodness, no stretch mark yet...hoping to keep it that way Xp

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

30 Weeks!! (and Day 2) & Target Registry :)

I cannot believe that it is July already and I am 30 weeks pregnant.
That really means I need to start get my act together and really prepare for the arrival of our superboy..
His kicks are getting stronger everyday (yay!) and he loves to kick me at night when I am on my bed getting ready to sleep..
Another milestone of last week was... *Drum roll* we finally did our baby registry!! Horray!!
My sis in law was gracious enough to go register with us because I had no clue what stuffs I need for the baby and when you are at the store looking at hundreds of choices of baby stuffs, it gets very overwhelming!
I hope I have everything I need in my registry...
Anyway, here is our Baby Ma Registry at Target

Here is my 30 weeks 2 days Belly Picture...
 My next doctor's appointment is this Friday and I get to hear his heart beat..yay..
Ohh and I schedule my 3D ultrasound on August 1st...I really cannot wait for that because I have not seen him for a while now since my last ultrasound at the OBGYN (they don't do ultrasounds after 20 weeks..BOO-HOO!)

That's all for now.. I still have nausea (what else is new?)..throw up twice a day (morning and afternoon) but mostly acids..*Gross* and it is getting harder to breathe since I think the baby is pushing against my lung...
We watched birth video in our childbirth class last week and it made me wish I was a guy or a seahorse..
But, with God's grace, I shall conquer my fear and deliver my healthy and handsome superboy..ehehehhee

Monday, July 16, 2012

Good bye 3-Hour Glucose Test! Never want to have you again!

I had my first glucose screening (1 hour test) on July 3rd afternoon, at 2 pm. I was so miserable because I had to fast before the test and silly me, I didn't schedule my test in the morning! So I had to contain my monstrous hunger throughout the day until the test. But, after doing some googling..some women say that you don't have to fast all day for the one-hour screening I called my nurse and asked how long should I fast before the test.
She said 3 hours! I was so happy that I ate my one and only cereal bar that morning 3 hours before the test.
Long story short..that was the dumbest decision...I should not have eaten that cereal bar before the test! My result came out high (156 and the cut off was around 140) so I had to do the awesome 3-hours glucose test the following week *sob*
Mind you, this test involves a blood draw...needles... YUCK....but that first test involved only 1 blood draw after an hour of drinking sugary drink (taste like Fanta Orange but without the carbonation)

****3-Hour Glucose Test ***
This time, I was a bit smarter..scheduled my test at 8 am on July 12th.. lol. I had to fast 12 hours before the test and I did not want to take any chances, I only drank tiny sips of water after midnight.
This test involves 4 times of blood draws (before drinking the sugary drink, and after each hour)..sounds like fun, eh?
I got poked 5 times....1 failed attempt on my left arm, the lab girl could not draw the blood after poking my vein and moving the needle several times.....yuck yuck yuck..
Long story short..2 days later I got my phone call.....I passed the test! Hallelujah!!!
I never ever want to go through that thank you!
Thank God that I don't have a gestational diabetes and everything is normal for me and the baby.

If you are curious, you may find more about the glucose test on this link:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What Is the Most Useless Baby Product of All? (FUNNY)


Not long after starting to raise a child (or three), you begin to realize that you don’t need a lot of the stuff baby stores try to convince parents to buy.
The marketing onslaught that new parents face is right up there with the wedding industrial machine targeting brides-to-be. The implicit (sometimes explicit) message presented is: How could you not do everything possible for your baby (or your marriage)? New parents are clueless and weak, easy prey to get suckered into buying even the silliest products that claim to make a baby safer or happier, or in any way make a parent’s job easier.
Veteran parents know better. Through trial and experience, they know what babies need and what they truly don’t need. With that in mind, I’ve rounded up some of the most useless baby products out there, along with comments from parents and parenting experts. The unofficial co-winners (meaning I found parents griping about them the most) are the Diaper Genie and the Wipe Warmer. The list also contains items you might not think of as useless, such as shoes—but how many babies do you know that walk? Some thoughts on these and other products that parents simply don’t need:

Crib Bedding Sets, via Christie Silvers:
You walk through the baby stores and there are many, many cute matching bed sets for your baby’s crib. They all come with the cute sheets, bumper pads, dust ruffles and comforter. Everything perfectly coordinated and just gorgeous. You spend a small fortune on your favorite one, only to see on television once you get home that you should not be using a bumper pad in your crib or cover your infant with the comforter. Both of these items can pose a suffucation hazard for little ones. So what’s the point in spending all of that money to buy a whole matching crib set when you can’t even use half of it?
The Zaky, via Babble:
The Zaky is a beanbag doll shaped like a forearm and hand that’s designed to cuddle with your baby when flesh and blood are not available. To make it seem more like a human limb, parents can warm the Zaky in a dryer and scent it by wrapping it around their own necks for several hours.
The Wipe Warmer, via Cheaper than Therapy:
um, yes, tell me again why this is necessary. are wipes really THAT cold?
Baby Powder, via Christie Silvers:
Baby powder is on every baby aisle. It smells good, it’s right next to the baby shampoo and you remember hearing your mother talking about putting powder on your little baby behind when you were and infant. So why is it a useless baby product when it seems like the natural thing to buy when shopping for baby supplies? Because it is recommended that parents do not use baby powder on their babies any longer. It’s easily inhaled by your little one if you use it, which can cause respiratory problems. Plus if you do use it on your baby’s bottom then it’s just going to get all clumpy and yucky as soon as they wet their diaper the first time. It’s best to stick to baby lotion and forget about the powder.
Steam Sterilizer, via Jackie L.:
At about $50, this is one of the most useless baby products ever. You might as well grab a $50 bill and light it on fire. Sure, you want your baby’s bottles and pacifiers to be clean, but do they need to be steam sterilized? Um, no. Have a dishwasher? How about a sink, Palmolive, and a hot water heater? Then you’re just fine. Take that $50 and buy a $3 bottle brush. Spend the remaining $47 on heavily caffeinated beverages — something you’ll actually need.
Pee-Pee Teepee, via From Here to Paternity:
So they (by “they,” I mean the evil baby product marketeers) have this product you can buy that looks like a little paper cone. They call it a Pee-Pee Teepee [1]. Its purpose is to prevent a warm stream of your son’s urine from shooting you in the eye like a cruel joke. The ones shown in the picture here are in the style of the “Wild West,” according to the company that makes them, as if this is the OK Corral and your only hope to prevent a gunfight (of pee) is to buy these.
Pee-Pee Teepees come in a pack of five for $12. We use something similar. It’s called a paper towel. You can get a roll of them for about a buck.
Diaper Genie, via Jackie L.:
They don’t keep the smell any better contained than regular trash cans — trust me. A regular diaper pail costs about $15 (not too much more than the cost of a regular trash can with a lid), and like most trash cans, it more or less keeps the diaper stench in- until you open the lid. Same with the Diaper Genie- but the Diaper Genie costs about $25, and the bag refills cost about $6 per refill cartridge. And the Diaper Genie isn’t a piece of cake to use- lots of unnecessary effort and expense, many will tell you. Instead, do what my daycare does: use the plastic grocery bags you paid nothing for, put each dirty diaper in one, tie it off, and drop it in the regular trash can. Take out your trash at least once daily. This works surprisingly well, and you won’t have to deal with cleaning out an absolutely wretchedly stinky diaper pail, ever.
Temperature Bath Ducky, via
This duck has a panel on the bottom that tells you if the water is too hot. We have 2 of these silly things. You do not need a duck to tell you the water is hot. If you put your hand in and it feels too warm than it probably is. The water needs to just be lukewarm.
Video Monitor, via
Can we say 1984? We are spied on enough in the day and age; give the baby a break. I understand how nerve-racking it can be to bring home your first little bundle and to be hyper-concerned about her health those first few days. However, a video monitor will only increase your lack of sleep and make you even more of a basket-case those first long week.
Shopping-Cart Cover, via Consumer Reports:
There is no evidence that they reduce the incidence of colds and flu, and getting sick when you’re a kid is part of the job description.
Shoes, via From Here to Paternity:
Is your baby walking?
“No, but he looks soooo cute in those shoes.”
That’s true. Maybe you should strap a pair of Speedo goggles on his face and stick a Wilson glove on his hand. After all, he doesn’t know how to swim or play baseball yet, but gosh darn, he looks so cute when he’s wearing them. Or maybe you can just carry your baby around without any shoes, just like you would carry your baby around with shoes.

24 Weeks 4 Days Belly Pic

I should be ashamed of myself for not keeping this blog up to date :(
Here is my belly pic last week at 24 weeks :) I cannot believe I am a little over 6 months now! -_-''

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Belly Picture~ 23 Weeks and Day 4

It has been a while since I updated the blog... my bad :(
Life has been very crazy at work..too much drama, I must say..
But here is belly picture taken today! I am starting to look pregnant
Still nausea here and there but not as bad as the first trimester..
I cannot believe it is already at the end of May! Where did the time go???
Anyway, we had doctor's appointment last week (5/21)..listened to baby's heartbeat (138). My belly grew 1 cm..ahahaha.
Now it's time to look for names for our super boy! :)

Oh and here is my belly pic at 20 Weeks and Day 4

Thursday, May 3, 2012

19 Weeks Day 4 Belly Picture

my tummy is definitely bigger...and nope, I cannot suck it is definitely a baby in there! :P
I can start feeling Baby Ma poking my tummy..feels like a twitch in my tummy....feels very weird actually.. I think that was my baby poking me but I could be wrong too..not sure how it is supposed to feel like..

Thursday, April 26, 2012

18 Weeks Day 4 Belly Picture

Is my belly bigger than last week? hmm.. I definitely feel doctor said that I only gained 2 lbs so far and was told to gain more weight...ay yi yi..
Since I am short, I am going to look like a big whale with all the weights I will be gaining... eeekss! so not looking forward to...  -_-''

I think I can start feeling the baby moving..although I am still not sure if it was just gas or what..but I feel sometimes my tummy is poked from the inside and felt like pressure in my abdomen area..

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's a ............................

Before I said anything, I just want to say, I was right all along...meaning I wanted to be "A" baby but just because I want it, it might mean I am going to get "B"..
My baby was squirming when the technician was trying to take pictures..she had to chase the baby around... maybe that's because I drank a sugary drink before going to the doctor.. :P

So here are the pictures:
(not sure what that is?)

 (at 18 weeks..the profile picture)

(the skeleton...a bit scary, huh?, but I am amazed how much the baby has developed in 18 can see the eyes,nose and mouth!)


(I think that's between his legs and his goodies..hehehehe)

so yeah..we are having a BOY!! 
I wanted a girl just because so I can dress my baby in all pink cuteness outfits..hehehe but I will take a healthy baby boy so he can be my little body guard :)
Doctor said everything looks good, all the parts that are supposed to be there are in the right places :)
The sad part is, there will be no more ultrasounds :(
However,  I bought this GROUPON thing for 3D pictures in the last trimester so I get to see him again! :)

Thanks for all the supports and prayers! :)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Anatomy Scan Today!

We are going to the doctor for anatomy scan this afternoon. I am very anxious, excited, nervous...
I could not even get a good night sleep last night because I could not wait for the appointment, plus coz of the stuffy nose *yuck*. Ever since the second-trimester started, I have been having this stuffy nose that just won't go away! Blahhhh! Plus with the allergy season, it is a double-whammy! :(

Anyway, I don't know what to expect for the scan. Some people say to drink OJ or soda before going in to make the baby more active so she/he can show off the goodies. LOL
I am praying everything is going to be alright...10 fingers, 2 ears, 2 eyes, 1 nose, 1 mouth..perfect little baby Ma.. AMEN..

Wish me luck!

Here is a bit info from re: anatomy scan..


What a level 2 ultrasound screens for

The ultrasound anatomy scan, or level 2 ultrasound, is an amazingly interesting experience for parents-to-be. Your baby will be measured from crown to rump (and what a cute rump it is!), around her middle, around her head — and that's just for starters. The four chambers of the heart will be viewed, as well as the kidneys, bladder, stomach, brain, spine, and sex organs (be sure to tell your sonographer if you don't want to know the sex of the baby!).
Measurements are taken from this special ultrasound during pregnancy to make sure your baby is growing appropriately (and that his or her gestational age is still on target). A survey of the organs, including the umbilical cord, ensures that they are developing normally (or identifies any potential problems as soon as possible). The sonographer will also be looking at your amniotic fluid levels, the location of the placenta, and the fetal heart rate. Settle in to enjoy the show: The detailed level 2 scan can take 30 to 45 minutes (depending on how cooperative your little one wants to be during the photo shoot).

Who a level 2 ultrasound is for

Most practitioners order an ultrasound anatomy scan for all their moms-to-be.

How a level 2 ultrasound is done

You recline on an exam table with your belly exposed. A sonographer applies gel and then moves the transducer over your abdomen. As sound waves emitted from the transducer bounce off "structures" inside (like your baby's adorable face!), images are formed on a video screen. To get the most comprehensive assessment, the sonographer will be aiming for many different views from lots of different angles in this anatomy scan. When the technician gets a clear shot, he or she will freeze-frame the picture (that's the actual sonogram) and then measure the anatomy. You can expect to go home with one or two good sonogram pictures (the perinatologist and your practitioner will review the rest).

When a level 2 ultrasound is done

Most anatomy scans are performed in the second trimester of pregnancy between 18 weeks and 22 weeks. If you have a condition that needs to be monitored (such as carrying multiples), you may have more than one detailed ultrasound.
Risks: There are no significant risks associated with ultrasounds, though medical guidelines caution against unnecessary exposure to ultrasound — which is why your practitioner will schedule only a handful of them throughout your pregnancy.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Baby Daily Deals Websites

A Quick List of Baby Flash Sale Sites 


Here's a Brief Rundown of Flash Sale Sites Geared Towards Babies and Kids*

Tip: To get a feel on whether or not you like what any particular site has to offer, it's a good idea to check the site daily for 1-2 weeks. You can do this by subscribing to their daily email. This gives you a feel for the site without taking up a lot of your time, and you will generally know if you want to keep it on your radar or not. If you don't like it, just unsubscribe. Remember that with sites like this, as with baby deal of the day sites, patience is almost always rewarded. Ex: RueLaLa had a black Friday deal that every would-be-chef would go nuts over...Kitchen Aid mixers for $149...NO LIE!

*Most of these thrive and continue to grow in popularity via invitations from current members. When you click on one of the links below, you are clicking on my personal invitation for you to become a member. In some cases current members get credit on the site when new members join and/or make a purchase. This is not true of daily deal sites, just membership sites like the ones listed below.
My favorite flash sale site for parents, Zulily has just about everything for infants, toddlers, little kids, maternity and nursing moms.
Totsy is another favorite and is also geared exclusively towards all things kid/parent related.
HauteLook has great brands and a special section for kids/babies/maternity. They are also one of the best flash sale sites out there for mens and women's attire and have good home furnishing sales as well. This is a great site for scoring deals and all around really does have some of the best stuff on their site.
The Mini Social
The Mini Social is a more upscale membership site for babies and kids. They specialize in children's clothing and toys.
This is quickly becoming one of my favorite sites for parenting related finds. You have to click a few times to really see into their sales in the kids section, but they usually have a whole LOT of stuff for sale and it's usually really good stuff too. This one is really worth checking out.
Similar to HauteLook, Ideeli has a special section devoted to all things kids/babies/maternity, but also has other sections for the whole family. Ideeli is interesting, because sometimes their sales are just so-so and other times they have some of the most amazing sales out there. It just depends on the sale.
Open Sky
Open Sky is a really unique kind of flash sale site, unlike the others. Essentially celebs or others who have a pulse on great products handpick certain products and present them on their shops. I'm still figuring this one out, but it's quickly becoming a favorite, although I haven't explored into the kids category as much as I would like. But what I've seen has been really great! They also randomly give you free credit, including $15 just for creating a free that's super cool! Navigation is a little strange on this site, but it has fast grown on me.
Plum District
Plum District isn't your typical flash sale site. It's similar to groupon, but they do have flash sales and you do have to be a member to purchase just like the flash sale membership sites. Plum District is a great one for parents, because they almost always have something related to babies/kids/parenting. Sites like Plum District and Groupon are different because you have to sign up for a specific city. However, even if you don't live in a major city many of the finds are online sales so it's actually not a bad idea to sign up for the 2-3 closest cities to you. I was skeptical of this site at first and now it's one of my absolute favorites!
Fab is very new, less than a year old, but quickly gaining a following for their ultra modern, uber chic fare. Not strictly for kids, they have regular sales on home goods or toys in the children's categories. Hint: you've probably never seen or heard of most of the brands offered on Fab...but they're really cool...sometimes really out there. If you're looking for something no one else has ever seen or heard of, Fab is your place. This is a site definitely worth checking out.
Beyond the Rack
Beyond the Rack has a targeted kids/baby/maternity/nursing section, however, while they have some great things to offer, they have a bigger selection for men, women and home goods. They often have some great deals all around.
One King's Lane
A strictly home decor site, you'll often find home furnishing for baby's nursery or toddler rooms. They usually have a few sales a week targeted for parents. One Kings Lane has some really unique stuff and is a really fun site to browse. It's one of those sites that makes you remember when you didn't use to eat, sleep and breathe "kid".
The Foundary
The Foundary is not a site exclusive to the parenting sector, but often has kids gear and toys and is a very clean looking, easy to browse site. They have really nice products and always offer a range of product types and prices at all price points. They also have some of the most reasonable shipping rates. This is a great site to buy birthday and Christmas gifts for the whole family.
Joss & Main
This site is similar to One Kings Lane in that it focuses on unique and luxurious home goods with the occasional children's sale cropping up. However, Joss & Main caters to parents less frequently than One Kings Lane, but has mass appeal for the decorator in you.
Rue La La
Rue La La offers a focus on high fashion and just opened "Little Rue", a baby deal branch (partnered with Toys R Us!) for the kid/parenting sector. Rue is a fun site that often has great brands and offerings. Another cool thing about Rue La La? You pay $9.95 once a month and then get free shipping the rest of the month. Cool. Especially when you see their deals and the brands they carry. One of the best kids sales so far...FAO Schwarz!
Pure Citizen
An eco-conscious, responsible company unlike any other. This one is more for all you mamas and daddies out there, but benefits the entire family. You'll only occasionally find something related to the actual "kid" category. While you willl find things like vegan diaper bags on occasion, this site really does cater to the whole family in that it brings pure and responsibly created products and sources from vendors that are creating healthier products and giving back to their communities. This is a REALLY cool company...a must see!
More links:

First Consignment Sale Treasure Hunt!

Last night me and my hubby went to a consignment sale for baby, kids and maternity stuffs. The place is actually quite a distance from our place, about 20-30 minutes drive but I really wanted to check it out because I have never been to this type of sale before. And thanks to hubba wubba who drove us there.. I know this is not his favorite thing to do so I appreciate his willingness to suck it up and go with me anyway.. * yay*

When we go there, holly molly! Tons of people!! and I saw the line for checking out was super long.....great..
We actually have not had any dinner yet so I was a bit nauseous and hungry but we decided to stick it out and see what we can get and get the heck out of there quickly.
Thanks to the tips from a good friend of mine, we went to the newborn boy rack to see if there were any good neutral-color clothes for our baby.
I wish we had known the gender so we knew for sure what to get, but that was fun too.:)
Long story short, we spent about 40 mins going through the end, we got 9 newborn clothes, 1 maternity short for myself (for dreadful hot Summer), and 5 board books for the baby! :)
Checking out is a different story...spent 30 minutes waiting just to check out... -_-''

Anyway...I think first trip is not so bad..although I was wondering, how many newborn clothes are we supposed to get?? My friend said that she bought about 35 pajamas in her first shopping trip and that lasted about 2 months for her baby (she went through 1-4 outfits per day) -_-'' That means, I only have 2 days of clothing for my newborn baby... LOL..oh well..that means I just have to go to the next sale for more treasure hunting :) At least now I know what to expect..
And I really hope I did not overpay for some of these stuffs. Most clothes prices are from $2-$4..average is $ I tried to buy the ones less than $3 except if it is like sweaters, overall, etc.

A good friend of mine actually emailed me her consignment shopping tips that are  helpful ..(I hope she doesn't mind me sharing the tips here):

1. The best stuff to buy at consignment sales are: newborn clothing (people get so much newborn stuff as gifts so often these things are brand new. The older the kid gets, the harder they are on their clothes so take advantage now) and books (especially board books that the kids will "read" themselves and likely tear up).

2. I don't buy anything that I can't wash or sterilize (think high chairs, diaper pails, nursing pillows... gross!).

3. I don't buy anything where safety can be compromised, even a little (car seats, strollers - always buy new or only take them used from someone you know and trust). The exception to this rule is a jogging stroller. My boss says consignment sales are a great place to look for one (if you need one) because many people think they need one but never use it so these are usually still brand new. I have looked a couple times and have not gotten lucky yet, though.

4. Here is the strategy we use for clothes shopping: Go through the racks of the age you need and grab ANYTHING you think has potential. Don't look at price or quality yet, just take them (bring a big shopping bag or laundry basket). Then go to a quiet corner and sort. If you spend too much time sorting at the rack, someone else may take what you want before you make a decision.

5. When sorting clothing, we always get rid of anything that looks "too" used and has any kind of stain (remember: yellow stain = poop). And, a good price point is ~$1-2 per onesie. If you are paying more than that, you're probably paying too much. ...

Ay yi yi yi...I am going to bring her along with me for the next sale so I can learn how to shop smart! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Celebrities' Ka-Ching Strollers

I was browsing through the internet found this site that shows the strollers the Celeb Parents use for their babies...The price ranges from $200 to more than $1k.
Wow..a stroller that costs $1050 for a baby..Jennifer Hudson actually uses this!

It might look kind of funny, but Jennifer Hudson’s sweet son David appears to be enjoying his perch as he rides high in a Stokke Xplory stroller, which features a reversible, height adjustable ergonomic seat.
Where to Get it: Toys R Us, $1,050

That doesn't look like a stroller to me....

As for the cheapest stroller that they use...

Rebecca Gayheart and X-Men hubby Eric Dane chose the sleek and simple Maclaren New Volo 2010 to transport their daughter Billie Beatrice during an afternoon walk.
Where to Get It:, $129

And what about Nicole Kidman?
Sunday Rose, daughter of Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban, rides in style in the Mountain Buggy Urban Jungle stroller, a rugged, country-ready ride from New Zealand.

Read more:

Can someone please give me $$$$$ so I can buy $1k stroller for my baby? :p

A Blast from the Past (Pics!)

Thought this would be fun to show "old" pics and hopefully this will make this more of a complete blog for our journey with Baby Ma! :)
Found this pics on my phone but did not think about posting these until today....shame on me!!

How did I know/guess I was pregnant?
Well, I missed my period for more than 2 weeks although I had a big fluctuation with my past periods. But, I trusted my instinct and bought this cheap pregnancy sticks tests from Amazon for about $6!

On Saturday, Jan 28, 2012...
Everyone (by everyone, I meant, my hubby and our 2 dogs :), lol ) was still asleep when I woke up around 8 am..I thought I would try those pee-pee test..I have got nothing to lose anyway so might as well find out.
So I peed on the first stick...well technically I did not pee on the stick, I used a small container and dunk the strip into the container.. Less than 3 seconds (literally, 3 seconds!), I saw my pee climbed up the stick quickly and forming a second line (1st strip on the pic).  *Gasp*
Very nervous, I grabbed the second stick and did the same thing and voila....took less than 4 seconds to see the red line (2nd strip on the pic)!
I went back to bed and tried to take this all in and how to break the news to my husband.. lol.
An hour later, I woke up my hubby and finally told the news. I don't remember exactly what I said but all I can remember is I asked him to do the test for me!! (Who knows these cheap strips was a junk after all!)
His test came back negative (no second line- 4th strip on the pic).
Then, I waited for another hour or so, and I took another can imagine how nervous and anxious I was! ta-da...the test came back positive again! (3rd strip on the pic).
Finally, still very curious and really really anxious, I decided to try silly experiment just to prove or make sure that these tests are not junks and telling the truth!
I dunk the strip into regular tap water..LOL...voila! It was negative (last strip on the pic)
Here is the picture: 

Valentine's Day, Feb 14th, 2012
Our first doctor's appointment! Doctor said that I am in my 8th weeks and the due date is Sept 22nd, 2012. Yay...
Here is the first ultrasound pic:
I must say, that is one of the best Valentine's day ever...knowing that a tiny baby is inside my belly :). The only thing that worried me at that time was the doctor found some kind of blood clot or a mass above my uterus. He said that it might be a Fibroid (non-cancerous tumor), so he will have someone check it for me in the next appointment. Blood work came back good. Urine test came back with a result..apparently I have a bladder infection so the nurse sent me a prescription to the pharmacy. Weird thing was I did not feel anything different that indicates I had a bladder infection

March 14th, 2012 (Week 12, Day 3)

Today is our second doctor's appointment! Yay!
First thing in order, the ultrasound technician did an ultrasound to check the "fibroid" to see if it was indeed a fibroid or a blood clot. After few minutes of "digging", she found nothing! Praise God! I told her that I had a brown discharge few days ago so that might be it! I was so relieved!
And here is the baby picture on Week 12:

Did you see a tiny nose? :)

That's all the pics that I have for now. Next doctor's appointment is next week for the Anatomy Scan :) *nervous and excited*..
Majority people said that baby Ma is a girl!!! But my mom and my boss and one of my best friends said that it's a boy! So we shall see!! Hopefully nothing is wrong and Baby Ma is continuing to be strong and healthy.. :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weird Stuff I Found..

So this past weekend, I hung out with my 9-year-old niece. We went to lunch and watched a movie, called "Mirror Mirror". It was a fun movie and I am definitely glad that my niece likes that movie. In my adult brain, I thought the beginning was a bit boring but towards the end, it was not so bad.

After movie, we went to this toy store across from the theater. There were fun toys but what strikes me the most was this thing: an edible crickets, with flavors like Bacon and Cheese or Sour Cream and Onion!! I thought this is cool and hysterical. I know that in some countries, people do eat crickets! In fact, a friend of mine told me that crickets are not that bad! Hmmm... I don't know if I wanted to try it...but who knows.. LOL.
Anyway, here is the picture of the edible crickets, for only $2.99 per box!
Does it look yummy to you?

17 Week and Day 3 Belly Picture

Is there a difference in my belly since last week?
Ummm, I feel more stuffy and my belly is hard! I have not been able to felt the baby yet so am very curious how that would feel like..
Last week I actually felt better...not sure if it is the meds or because I am in my second-trimester!
However this week..hmmm although I am not throwing up as many as I used to for the last 2 full months, I do still feel nauseous and usually throw up in the morning after shower. For the past 2 days though, I have been throwing up after dinner (and sometimes before) :(
*Take a big breath*....I really hope this will go away soon!!

Ohhh and another milestone... we bought our first crib yesterday (4/17)!! Horrayyy that is our first big purchase for Baby Ma!
We actually bought it online through this awesome website, I think we got a pretty good deal for a convertible crib. Hopefully we will be able to use this for a lonnnnnngggg time! This crib can be changed to a toddler bed and also a full bed!! :)

We are going to a consignment sale tomorrow night..hoping to get good deals on some stuffs!! *excited*

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Heartbeat! April 10th, 2012 (16 Week Day 3)

We went to third doctor's appointment yesterday. I was hoping we could take a look at Baby Ma! But, we only got to hear the heartbeat.. Baby Ma's heartbeat is 145!
I was a bit nervous when the doctor was poking my tummy with the doppler for few mins and could not find the heartbeat. My heart started was not a good feeling at all!
When the doctor finally found the heartbeat, I breathed a sigh of relief! Woooo..
Until this day, I still cannot believe that I am carrying a baby in my tummy! Very surreal!
If you want to hear what a baby's heartbeat sounds like in womb, here is a sample

Doctor also prescribed me another nausea medicine~ Phenergan. This med will make me tired easily so doctor only prescribed a low dose.
I tried taking it last night and I slept like a baby! I am not sure I want to take this during the day though, unless I have a really bad case of nausea, I might cut the pill into half again.
Zofran did not do me any good (besides giving me a bad constipation) so let's hope this is the magic pill!!  *fingers and toes are crossed*

In any case, I think I prefer to "feel" pregnant to have some sort of assurance that Baby Ma is still kicking than not knowing at all. But on the other hand, I am looking forward to the day where nausea fairy is gone and I get to start enjoying the pregnancy and back to myself and eating again!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

15 Weeks and Counting

Ok, I have been slacking in writing this blog. My excuse is because I have been so busy feeding my toilets and every other's toilets when I am around. Yes! I am in 15 weeks and yet I am still throwing up. Woo hoo!
Most people always try to comfort me by saying that this will be over when I hit a second-trimester. Yeah..mmmhmm.. I wake up everyday in the morning hoping that this sick fairy will go away and I can go back to being myself.
But, I must say, I absolutely definitely cannot do this without my wonderful hubba wubba, who patiently cook or buy food for us because I cannot cook or even look at raw meats. Yikes!! ONION please!
It's funny how I don't have food cravings but I have lots of food aversion. :(

My big No-No: sweets (ice cream, cakes, yogurt, chocolates, all the stuffs I used to love :( ); onion (ugh!); pasta/creamy stuffs

I looked at my husband eating an ice cream bar the other night.. Oh how I envy him!! I really wanted to eat that sweet thang, but I knew I was going to regret it big time. So, I held it in :(

Anyway, next week is our 3rd doctor's appointment. I am really hoping that we can know the sex of our baby because I cannot wait anymore!!
Praying for a happy healthy baby boy/girl..our baby Ma!

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Hey little bunny!
I hope you are still safe and sound inside there with your strong heart beating. :)
Mommy read too many terrible news from the baby center forum today about the ladies who lost their little peanuts at so early weeks in pregnancy :(
Those ladies didn't even have miscarriage symptoms, they just found out that their peanuts' hearts are not beating anymore *sob*
It makes me so scared to think about it.

You have to promise me that you are still healthy and growing strong there! I know God give you to us as a precious gift and I believe He is taking care of you. Amen.
I wish our next doctor's appointment is next week so we can make sure you are ok and wonderfully developing.
Cannot wait for the next 2 weeks for the appointment! :(

Lots of kisses for you, baby Ma! Stay healthy and grow strong please...

~mommy Ma

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Hump Day!

Little bunny, did you know that this week you are as big as a grape?

"Your new resident is nearly an inch long — about the size of a grape — and weighs just a fraction of an ounce. She's starting to look more and more human. Her essential body parts are accounted for, though they'll go through plenty of fine-tuning in the coming months. Other changes abound: Your baby's heart finishes dividing into four chambers, and the valves start to form — as do her tiny teeth. The embryonic "tail" is completely gone. Your baby's organs, muscles, and nerves are kicking into gear. The external sex organs are there but won't be distinguishable as male or female for another few weeks. Her eyes are fully formed, but her eyelids are fused shut and won't open until 27 weeks. She has tiny earlobes, and her mouth, nose, and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough now to take over most of the critical job of producing hormones. Now that your baby's basic physiology is in place, she's poised for rapid weight gain." ~ Baby Center

Today mommy is not as nauseous as yesterday! Yesterday was really bad. Mommy threw up 10 times in a day! :(
Mommy is wearing Sea Band, so do you think that could be it? hmmm...
The nausea is still there but God is good today..mommy prayed since morning so mommy won't be nauseous/gag during the morning meeting because mommy has to talk a lot in the meeting... and God granted my wish! Horray... take it a day at a time :)

As always, grow strong and healthy, baby Ma!

Mommy Ma

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 9 Day 2

Hi little bunny,
mommy today feels very nauseous. Sometimes mommy is jealous with other people who don't have any morning sickness in their pregnancy. What a nice life that must be!
Mommy even bought that Sea Band that the nurse recommended to try to help with the nausea. Mommy wore it last night and was really hoping it would work like magic. But, no...of course nothing works like magic :(

Mommy cannot wait for another 1.5 weeks where I and daddy will go back to doctor to check on you and look at you on the screen again! We heard your heartbeat last time (on Valentine's Day)! It felt so surreal!
Sometimes mommy doesn't remember that you are inside my tummy! Mommy only focus on how to get through the day without throwing up so much :(
In any case, please grow healthy and strong, baby Ma! We love you and cannot wait to see you!!
Oh and please don't make mommy too nauseous today, if you can.. hehehe..

~mommy Ma